Price for Hyundai ILoad

Hyundai ILoad Vehicles have had a price that has remained pretty much the same during the last months. The prices for this particular model have remained constant recently.

Average price Last 6 months
Price for Hyundai ILoad

The selling prices for Hyundai ILoad cars have remained constant in the last 6 months. In April the average price per vehicle is £6,930. During May the price went trough a strong deflation till . During the following two months (June, July) the average selling price experienced a noticeable rise, going up 83 % from £3,465 to £6,345. The average price has had spectacular rise of 117 % with an average price of £4,905 during the previous 4 months and £10,628 during the most recent months in August and September.

Data summary
Average price September
Number of Hyundai ILoad ads used
** Graphs without data are due to lack of information